David Gray - Dear Life (CD)
Inhaler - Open Wide (Indie Exclusive, Pink LP Vinyl)
Hamilton Leithauser - This Side Of The Island (Indie Exclusive, Aqua LP Vinyl)
Inhaler - Open Wide (CD)
Vundabar - Surgery And Pleasure (Milky Clear LP Vinyl)
Vundabar - Surgery And Pleasure (CD)
Horsegirl - Phonetics On And On (Indie Exclusive, Clear LP Vinyl)
Horsegirl - Phonetics On And On (CD)
Hamilton Leithauser - This Side Of The Island (CD)
L.S. Dunes - Violet (Opaque Violet LP Vinyl)
L.S. Dunes - Violet (CD)
David Gray - Dear Life (Seaweed Green LP Vinyl)