49 Winchester - Leavin' This Holler (Indie Exclusive, Metallic Gold LP Vinyl, Autographed)
Altin Gün - Yol (AUTOGRAPHED, Gold LP vinyl)
The Shoats - It Wasn’t God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels / Sin City (7" Single, Green Vinyl, Autographed)
Ben Folds - Sleigher (Indie Exclusive, Green LP Vinyl, Autographed)
49 Winchester - Leavin' This Holler (Indie Exclusive, CD, Autographed)
Pokey LaFarge - Rhumba Country (Indie Exclusive, Autographed CD)
Richard Thompson - Ship To Shore (Indie Exclusive, CD, Autographed)
Neal Smith - Killsmith Goes West (Artist Autographed CD)